Albert Einstein College of Medicine Secondary Essay Prompts

Below are the secondary prompts for Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Want to maximize your chances for an interview invite? Work with our expert medical school admission consultants to put your best foot forward through our secondary application editing services.


Series of yes or no questions. Any ‘yes’ answer requires a brief 100 word explanation.

I have taken time off between high school and college
(Please explain your activities in detail, and your reasons for taking time off, and include dates)

I have taken time off during my undergraduate years
(Please explain your activities in detail, and your reasons for taking time off, and include dates)

I have taken off at least a year since college graduation
(Please explain your activities in detail, and your reasons for taking time off, and include dates)

I plan to take off this year, after just having graduated, while I apply to medical school.
(Please explain what you plan to do this year and please provide confirmation of your plans when they are complete.)

I have taken and received credit for online courses
(Please note that the College does not accept online courses that are not offered by (as opposed to, approved by) your undergraduate or graduate institution. If you have taken online courses, please indicate what courses, where they were taken, and why you elected to take the courses online.)

I have worked part- or full-time, for pay, during the academic year while in college.
(Please indicate when you worked, e.g., freshman year, what months of the year you worked, and how many hours. Briefly describe the work you did.)

I have applied to medical school previously
(Please list schools and year of application, and tell us what actions you have taken to improve your application.)

I have submitted an AMCAS application to Einstein previously
(Please keep in mind that if you completed two prior applications, you are ineligible for reapplication.)
(Please indicate whether you completed the application process for Einstein, the year(s) you applied, and whether you were interviewed.)

I am presently enrolled in the Sue Golding Graduate Division
(Please indicate the year you enrolled, when you plan to take your qualifying examination, and the name of your mentor/department. It is required that your mentor write a letter of recommendation on your behalf.)

I am presently enrolled as an undergraduate student at Yeshiva University
(Please indicate the month and year that you will graduate.)

I had been accepted to medical school previously but chose not to matriculate
(Please indicate the name of the school, the year, and your reasons for not matriculating.)

I had been enrolled previously in a medical school
(Please indicate the name of the school, the dates of your enrollment, and your reason for leaving.)

I have not yet completed all of the competencies
(Please indicate what you are missing, and when and how you plan completion.)

I will have a Baccalaureate Degree by the time I matriculate in medical school
(Please indicate why you will not have your Degree.)

I am presently holding a deferred enrollment to a medical/professional school
(Please indicate where you are holding a deferral and why you are applying to Einstein now.)

I have received a grade of “F” during my college/graduate school years
(Please indicate the name of the course and the reason for the failure.)

I have received a grade of “D” during my college/graduate school years
(Please indicate the name of the course and the reason for this grade.)

I have received a grade of “W” during my college/graduate school years
(Please indicate the name of the course and the reason for this grade.)

I have received a grade of “I” during my college/graduate school years
(Please indicate the name of the course and the reason for this grade.)

I have transferred from one college to another during my undergraduate years
(Please explain why you chose to transfer, and indicate the names of the colleges involved.)

I have been the recipient of a warning notice for a non-academic issue that did not result in a disciplinary action
(Please explain when, where and why.)

I have been subject to a disciplinary action and/or an administrative action, expunged or not, while in school
(If yes, please answer the following questions.)

Expunged? No Yes

How many warnings did you receive prior to an action being placed on your record?
(Please explain how all of the above affected you.)

I have disciplinary charges pending
(Please explain in detail.)

I have been convicted of a crime
(Please explain in detail.)

I expect that there will be criminal charges brought against me which are now pending
(Please explain in detail.)

I have been prohibited or suspended from practicing in a professional capacity due to or as a result of alleged misconduct
(Please explain in detail.)