Below are the secondary prompts for Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine. Want to maximize your chances for an interview invite? Work with our expert medical school admission consultants to put your best foot forward through our secondary application editing services.
Required Essay: Research
Please describe the hypothesis of your research, why the methods were selected to answer that hypothesis, your results and interpretation of your results with respect to future findings. If you have not participated in research or scholarly work, please indicate so in the text area below.
Please limit your response to 1 page (about 3,500 characters) and leave a blank line between paragraphs. If the 3,500-character recommendation is exceeded, your essay WILL still be saved in its entirety.
Required Essay: Small Group Essay
If you were working on a small group project and you thought that another student wasn’t carrying his/her load, how would you handle it? Please limit your response to 300-1000 characters, and leave a blank line between paragraphs.
If the 1000-character recommendation is exceeded your essay WILL still be saved in its entirety.
Optional: Additional Information Essay (University Program Only)
Is there any further information that you wish to share with the Admissions Committee? This optional response will only be considered by the University Program.
Required for College Program: Areas of Improvement Essay
Each year our students target for themselves areas of improvement. Other than the acquisition of new knowledge, what personal area do you think you have that could use strengthening? Design a plan as to how you could improve it.
Please limit your response to 500-1000 characters and leave a blank line between paragraphs. If the 1000-character recommendation is exceeded your essay WILL still be saved in its entirety.
Required for College Program: Criticism and Feedback Essay
Tell us about a time when you received unexpected criticism or negative feedback. How did you react? What did you do?
Please limit your response to 500-1000 characters and leave a blank line between paragraphs. If the 1000-character recommendation is exceeded your essay WILL still be saved in its entirety.
Required for College Program: Career Essay
How do you see your career ten years from now?
Please limit your response to 500-1000 characters and leave a blank line between paragraphs. If the 1000-character recommendation is exceeded your essay WILL still be saved in its entirety.
Required for College Program: Teaching Essay
When were you challenged to teach, coach, or mentor others to learn a new skill or improve an old one? Please describe how it went and what you learned from the experience.
Please limit your response to 500-1000 characters and leave a blank line between paragraphs. If the 1000-character recommendation is exceeded your essay WILL still be saved in its entirety.
Required for College Program: Gap Year Essay
If you took a gap year, please describe how you spent that time. Please limit your response to 500 characters, and leave blank lines between paragraphs.