Below are the secondary prompts for University of Minnesota Medical School. Want to maximize your chances for an interview invite? Work with our expert medical school admission consultants to put your best foot forward through our secondary application editing services.
1. Please describe your experiences with intentionally expanding your cultural awareness in an effort to promote acceptance, respect, and inclusivity. (1500 Characters)
2. Reflect on your background and the impact it has had on developing your own values and attitudes toward others, particularly those with values different than your own. Please include how your values and attitudes will foster a positive learning environment during your training, and benefit your future patients through the practice of medicine. (1500 Characters)
3. Beyond what you have shared in question two, please share information about important aspects of your personal background or identity as it relates to your desire to pursue medicine. Examples might include, but are not limited to, cultural context, disabilities, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, lived experiences, race/ethnicity, religion or spirituality, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status. (This question is not required.)(900-1500)
4. If you have a specific interest in the study or practice of medicine please share it here. Please include specific experiences that have informed your interest. (This question is not required.) (900-1500)
5. Please describe a challenging life experience and how you dealt with it. (1500 Characters)
6. Briefly describe why you are interested in attending the University of Minnesota Medical School Twin Cities campus. (1500 Characters)
7. Are you a resident of the state of Minnesota?
8. If you selected OTHER, please provide a brief explanation as to why.
9. If you are a non-resident applicant, do you have any special or significant ties to the state of MN? (Non-resident applicants are not required to have ties to MN and this question is not required.)
10. Please explain any gaps in your education and/or work experiences since high school graduation that are not previously described in your application. (300 characters)
11. Have you ever been convicted of a misdemeanor and/or felony?
12. If YES, you must include a full explanation below.
13. What other pertinent information would you like to bring to the attention of the Admissions Committee? This is an opportunity for you to discuss or highlight any aspect of your journey to medicine that you may or may not have already presented in your application. Â You may also update us with any current experiences that were not included in your AMCAS application. (This question is not required.) (900-1500)
14. If you are a re-applicant, how has your current application changed or what additional information would you like to highlight for the Admissions Committee? Re-applicant refers to having applied to any medical school in the past. (This question is not required unless you are a re-applicant.) (900-1500)